
Published book "Construction and Operation of Antarctic Research Station. An Experience of Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation"

16 августа 2016 - Dzmitry Varabyou

In the monograph different aspects of human impacts on the Antarctic environment based on results of investigation fulfilled in the framework of Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation of the planned Belarusian Antarctic Research Station at Mount Vechernyaya, Enderby Land are discussed. A brief analysis of the impact of human activities in the Antarctic and its consequences are given. The planned research activity of Belarus in the Antarctic as well as the legal framework and requirements for assessing impacts are described. A review of the initial environmental state of the planned deployment area of Belarusian Antarctic station is done. The methodology and the results of environmental impact assessment are shown. Measures planned for environmental protection are described.


The book will be useful to all interested in problems of human impact and environmental assessment in Antarctica.

Construction and Operation of Antarctic Research Station. An Experience of Comprehensive Environmental Evaluation //
S. Kakareka, T. Kukharchyk, V. Loginov, S. Salivonchyk. – Minsk: StroyMediaProekt, 2016. - 278 p. 
Tables - 53. Figures - 102. References - 188.
UDC 502/504(99)
ISBN 978-985-7091-81-2
Рейтинг: 0 Голосов: 0 408 просмотров
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